Mrs. Wevodau's discovery participated well in today's Pink Out!
7 months ago, Jordyn Moyer
pink out participants
Art on display
7 months ago, Summer Dobbin
art projects on display
Congratulations to our Paws of Praise recipients from last week!
7 months ago, Jordyn Moyer
Paws of praise recipient
Paws of praise recipient
Paws of praise recipient
Paws of praise recipient
Paws of praise recipient
MS Spirit Day Oct. 13: Pink Out!
7 months ago, Summer Dobbin
Pink out Oct. 13
8th graders keeping busy in Allied Arts
7 months ago, Jordyn Moyer
Art class
tech ed
tech ed
Congratulations to our Paws of Praise recipients from the past two weeks!
7 months ago, Jordyn Moyer
Paw of praise recipient
Paw of praise recipient
Paw of praise recipient
Paw of praise recipient
Paw of praise recipient
Paw of praise recipient
Congrats to our Marching Band for their 2nd place finish at Saturday's competition!
7 months ago, Summer Dobbin
Band members at a competition
October spirit days
7 months ago, Summer Dobbin
October spirit days for MS
MS Spirit Day Sept. 20 wear black and gold!
8 months ago, Summer Dobbin
wear black and gold Sept. 29
HMS students represented well to honor Max Engle today.
8 months ago, Jordyn Moyer
students wearing orange
students wearing orange
students wearing orange
students wearing orange
students wearing orange
students wearing orange
students wearing orange
students wearing orange
Wear orange for MAX.
8 months ago, Summer Dobbin
Max orange Thursday
Early dismissal Sept. 22
8 months ago, Summer Dobbin
Gratz Fair day
Plan ahead... MS spirit days
8 months ago, Summer Dobbin
MS Spirit days
Mrs. Burrows's Discovery is doing their part to keep our school looking great with School-Wide Jobs.
8 months ago, Jordyn Moyer
sweeping the halls
emptying trash cans
removing scuffs
dusting the lockers
Concert t-shirt day on Friday!
8 months ago, Summer Dobbin
B. Jovi
MS Student Council is hard at work preparing for the first after school dance of the school year!
8 months ago, Jordyn Moyer
setting up the important snack table
getting playlists ready to go
MS dance Sept. 8, 6-8 pm
8 months ago, Summer Dobbin
MS dance
Sept. 8 MS Spirit Day
8 months ago, Summer Dobbin
Sept 8 Spirit Day
MS Spirit Day Aug. 31
8 months ago, Summer Dobbin
Clint Eastwood hat day
No school Sept 1 & 4
9 months ago, Summer Dobbin
Labor day recess