ABOUT US: Halifax Wildcat Academy

becki enders

Ms. Becki Enders

Distance Learning Coordinator (DLC)

Halifax Wildcat Academy

Room 302 in the high school

(717)896-3416, ext. 221


Learn More About Halifax Wildcat Academy

The Halifax Wildcat Academy through Halifax Area School District uses web-based courses to meet the increasing demand for high quality student instruction that incorporates proven online learning practices and next generation software. Enrolling in the Halifax Wildcat Academy means students will have the opportunity to experience flexible and non-traditional learning options with individualized pacing. Students will learn from curriculum that is state aligned and rigorous with an emphasis in 21st century skills. Furthermore, students can continue to be a member of our local school, participate in school events and activities.

The Halifax Wildcat Academy uses the Capital Area Online Learning Association (CAOLA) is a collaborative effort between CAIU, member school districts, and Intermediate Units to provide online learning options for students. CAOLA’s web-based courses meet the increasing demand for high-quality student instruction that incorporate proven online learning practices and next-generation software www.caiu.geniussis.com.